HIIT workouts have gained popularity due to their effectiveness in calorie burns and improving overall fitness levels. However, getting into this intense form of exercise could be intimidating for newcomers.

We have created  15 easy-to-follow HIIT workouts designed for the newbies. If you are new to fitness or seek to try something new, these exercises can help you ease into the high interval training world and achieve your fitness goals quickly.

1. Jumping Jacks Intervals

Source : livestrong

Jumping jack intervals involves alternating bursts of high-intensity exercise and brief periods of rest. Using them into your workout regimen can elevate cardiovascular health, whilst improving agility and calorie burn.

Begin with a warm-up, then perform jumping jacks at maximum effort for 30 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest. Repeat this interval pattern for several rounds, eventually increasing intensity for a challenging and effective workout.


2. Bodyweight Squats Circuit

Source : steelsupplements

Bodyweight Squats Circuit primarily involves performing squats without the need for any additional weights or equipment. It can be done anywhere.

It includes a sequence of bodyweight squats with variations such as jump squats, sumo squats or single-leg squats. The combo of high-intensity movements and minimal rest periods assists the heart rate while promoting cardiovascular fitness and burning calories.

3. High Knees Challenge

Source : verywellfit

The High Knees Challenge involves running in place while lifting the knees as high as possible. It mainly targets the muscles in the lower body but is also known to engage the core muscles and hip flexors.

It is an amazing HIIT workout since the workout can provide a full body cardiovascular workout in a short amount of time. It increases endurance and strengthens leg muscles.

4. Mountain Climbers Set

Source : menshealth

Mountain Climbers Set targets multiple muscle groups and boosts cardiovascular endurance. You need to get into a push-up position and quickly alternate bringing each knee towards the chest, simulating climbing a mountain. The continuous movement engages the core, arms, shoulders, and legs.

It increases heart rate, burns calories and improves overall stamina. Likewise, the fast-paced nature of this exercise challenges coordination and agility, pushing the body to its limits.

5. Burpees Blast

Source : grokker

Burpees Blast combines various movements into one dynamic workout, including a squat, plank, push-up, and jump. While it can be challenging, it is still recommended for beginners since it helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, metabolism, strength and endurance.

With practice and gradual progression, beginners can build strength and endurance and improve their fitness levels through Burpees Blast.

6. Quick Sprint Intervals

Source : verywellfit

Involving short bursts of sprinting followed by brief periods of active recovery, Quick Sprint Intervals are effective as it engages both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. This increases cardiovascular fitness and improved muscle tone. The intense sprinting bursts push the body to its limits.

They are good for those who seek efficient and time effective workouts. They can be completed in a short amount of time while still delivering health benefits.

7. Push-Up and Plank Combo

Source : trainheroic

The Push Up and Plank Combo is a workout that combines two bodyweight exercises for an enjoyable fitness session. Push ups focus on your chest, shoulders, triceps and core muscles. Meanwhile planks target your core muscles like abs and glutes.

This routine not only improves strength and endurance but it also enhances stability and balance by working out muscles in a way that mimics activities.

8. Lunge Series

Source : googleusercontent

The Lunge Series focuses on strengthening lower body muscles especially the glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings with a variety of lunge variations like forward lunges, reverse lunges and walking lunges in a sequential manner. 

This series of lunges is generally performed in quick succession with minimal rest and creates an intense cardiovascular workout. It's main appeal lies in its effectiveness to improve lower body strength and endurance while simultaneously burning calories.

9. Jump Rope Cardio

Source : elitejumps

Jumping over a rope while maintaining a steady rhythm, Jump Rope Cardio is a classic workout touted for its effective cardiovascular activity that gets the heart rate up and improves overall endurance. 

Moreover, it is a low-cost workout option that requires minimal equipment, making it accessible to everyone, which is why incorporating jump rope into a beginner HIIT workout adds an extra level of intensity and variety, while boosting the calorie burn and engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

10. Boxing Basics

Source : wodify

Boxing Basics involves punching, footwork, defense, and conditioning exercises. Incorporating these basics into a HIIT workout can add variety, intensity and numerous benefits because they provide a full-body workout, engaging the upper body, core, and lower body muscles.

Plus, boxing movements such as punches and defensive maneuvers require coordination, balance, and agility, enhancing overall athleticism, which can increase calorie burn, as explosive movements and constant transitions between exercises boost the metabolic rate.

11. Dumbbell Power Moves

Source : facebook

Dumbbell power moves incorporates the use of dumbbells to enhance the intensity and effectiveness of a HIIT workout. By using these dumbbells, people can increase resistance and challenge their muscles further.

While dumbbells need to be purchased, they are recommended for a HIIT since they provide a versatile and convenient way to add resistance to bodyweight exercises, making them more challenging and effective. It helps to build lean muscle mass and increase metabolism.

12. Plank Variations

Source : redefiningstrength

The basic plank is a static exercise where one holds a push-up position, and engages the core, arms, legs and back muscles. Despite the plank's reputation for being challenging and intimidating, it is highly effective as it strengthens the core muscles as well as help improve posture and stability.

Plank variations can also be easily customized to suit different fitness levels and goals. It remains the reason why while planks may seem daunting, the results they offer make them worth all the effort.

13. Step-Up Challenge

Source : fitnessblender

A great HIIT workout, the Step-Up Challenge is filled with repeated stepping up and down on a platform or step. It targets multiple muscle groups. The challenge is to perform the exercise for a set amount of time or repetitions by pushing your body to its limit.

This workout is a time-efficient and can be done in a short amount of time with multiple variations. It gets perfect for those with a busy schedule. It effectively burns calories and can help promote weight loss.

14. Jump Squat Intervals

Source : pinkvilla

Jump squat intervals involve alternating between periods of intense jump squats and short rest periods. Individuals start in a standing position, then rapidly lower into a squat and explosively jump up, landing back into the squat position, targeting multiple muscle groups, while also engaging the core for stability. 

It is particularly appealing for beginners in HIIT workouts because they offer a low-impact alternative to traditional plyometric exercises as the controlled movement reduces the risk of joint injuries while still providing a challenging cardiovascular workout.

15. Bicycle Crunches Routine

Source : mobilephysiotherapyclinic

Bicycle crunches routine starts by you lying on your back, bending your knees, and mimicking a pedaling motion whilst touching your opposite elbow to the knee at the same time.

They seem easy due to their simple movement, but they quickly prove otherwise as they engage not only the rectus abdominis but also the obliques, lower back and hip flexors. Despite the initial struggle, bicycle crunches will help strengthen and tone the core, improve stability and promote abdominal strength.